Water Reflection (Youth Water, Dirty Water, and Dying Water) In Three Works of Colette

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University, IAU, Roudehen Branch

2 Islamic Azad University, IAU, Science and Research Branch


The study of images of four elements of water, wind, earth and fire has always been considered as the main themes of thematic criticism. Images of four- category elements especially image related to the element of water in imaginary (fantasy) world of Colette, as one of the leading French authors in 20th century, are observed, the most important of which can be referred to the youth water, dirty water and dying water. Do these images play an important role in a study of the literary world of this distinguished author from the perspective of thematic criticism?Is a study of images of these three waters (youth, dirty and dying waters) considered as a way to understand new concepts in Colette works? The aim of the research isthe analysis and interpretation of these images in three works of Colette: Sidonie Gabrielle Colette, Ivy Vines, and Unripe Wheat. The research paves the way for understanding the aforementioned three works, their themes, mental states and impacts of these images on the body and soul of the author.


  1.  استوارت، جون، هنید. (1382ش). کولت. ترجمه لیندا نصرتی. تهران: نشر ماهی.
  2.  باشلار، گاستون. (1378ش). روانکاوی آتش. ترجمه جلال ستاری. تهران: انتشارات خوارزمی.
  3.  معین، مرتضی بابک، (1389 ش). نقد مضمونی اندیشه‌ها و روش شناسی رژژپوله. تهران: شرکت انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی
  4. Œuvres de Colette:
  5. • Colette, «Le ble en herbe», Flammarion, Paris, 1974
  6. • Colette, « Sido », Hachette, 1961
  7. • Colette, « Les vrilles de la vigne », Hachette, 1961
  8. Œuvres de Bachelard :
  9. • Bachelard, « L’air et les songes », Jose Corti, Paris, 1942
  10. • Bachelard, « La psychanalyse du feu », Gallimard, Paris, 1949
  11. Ouvrages critiques :
  12. • Alluin Bernard, « Itineraire litteraire », Hatier, Paris, 1991
  13. • Anglard, Veronique (de), « Colette », Nathan, 1996
  14. • Brin, Françoise, « Etude sur Colette, Le ble en herbe », Ellipses, Paris, 1999
  15. • Charreyre, Martine, « Etude sur Colette, Sido, Les vrilles de la vigne », Ellipses, Paris, 2001
  16. • Collection Ecritures, «Recit et saison chez Colette», Marmattan, 2001
  17. • Lasard, Madeline, “Colette”, Gallimard, Paris, 2008
  18. • Madame le Docteur Karimian, les fascicules exposes pendant les cours de la critique thematique
  19. • Madame le Docteur Ghavimi, les fascicules exposes pendant les cours de la critique thematique
  20. • Ouvrage collectif, « Analyses et reflexions sur Colette », Ellipses, Paris, 1990
  21. • Didier, Beatrice, L' Ecriture, Paris, Puf, 1991.
  22. • Bachelard, Gaston, L’eau et les rêves, Paris, Jose Corti, 1942.
  23. • Bachelard Gaston, la poetique de l’espace, PUE, 1967.