A psychological criticism on "Antichrista" by the Belgian contemporary author, AmélieNothomb, based on theories of Karen Horney

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Islamic Azad University (IAU), Science and Research Branch


Antichrista, a novel by AmélieNothomb, narrates distress and conflict of its characters. The author portrays the mental status of the characters such as shyness, self-effacement, dependency, lying, contempt and pride. Both succoring and Supremacist characters created by Nothomb in this novel are evocative of the personality types addressed by Horne in her psychological theories. Being one of the great theoreticians of psychoanalysis field, Karen Horney attached importance to social and cultural elements in formation of human character. She disagreed with Freudian views on psychoanalysis and finally presented an innovative approach to different behaviors associated with personality types. This article analyzes Antichristaby Amélie Nothomb based on Horny psychological theories.


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