Brecht in Love: Analytical investigation of Bertolt Brecht’s lyrical poems

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Faculty member


Many of the poems in Bertolt Brecht's plays serve the narrative theater and give as one of the key elements of the alienation technique an especial effect to his narrative narratives. However, Brecht, in line with his intellectual transformation regarding to his political and social positions, has also written independent poems, in which he has taken up positions on the political, social and economic issues of the day. These poems, in line with his ideology and following the transformation in his political and social ideas, are distant from his earlier poems regarding the form and content. Brecht does not have much in common with the concept of love in his artistic life due to his political views of the day, however the present essay seeks to show with a view to his lyrical poems that love has a role - although not a very strong one - in his artistic life.


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