Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Shahid Beheshti Univeristy

2 Shahid Beheshti University


The nostalgia for the past is one of the most influential concepts in the life of writers and poets, which occurs due to spatial and temporal distances and has an effect on their poems and stories. This research seeks to distinguish between the types of this missing, divided into nostalgia and melancholia, and each one can be individually interpreted, and for this purpose we used Walter Moser’s theory who is an Ottawa university professor. We first read the definition of this thinker of what nostalgia is and examine its difference with another complication, which is also caused by sadness and neglect. Moser has introduced a set of conditions for the recognition of these two concepts, and we try to find these conditions among Nizar Qabbani’s poems to find examples based on which our argument will hold. Finally, we conclude two things. First of all, what kind of nostalgia is in his work and second, what is the use of this distinction to better understand his poems, because there is a sense of nostalgia in many poets’ and perhaps most poets’ works; it can even be a natural consequence of aging. This broad concept should be typified and used to understand each artist's poems more precisely.


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