The impact of Personality Traits and Self-regulated Learning Strategies on University Students’ Vocabulary and Structure Learning

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


IAU East Tehran Branch


In this research, 440 EFL students studying in Islamic Azad University- East Tehran Branch participated. They were asked to complete the Big Five Personality Inventory by John and Soto (2017) and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Questionnaire by Tseng, Dornyei, and Schmitt (2006). The students’ scores on vocabulary and structure parts were obtained through their final exam marks on General English lesson. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied for data analysis. The findings indicated a significant relationship between the students’ personality traits, self-regulated learning strategies and their vocabulary and structure scores. Among personality traits, open-mindedness and extraversion and among self-regulated learning strategies, goal-setting and procrastination control had the greatest impacts on students’ vocabulary and structure scores. Focusing on students’ personality traits and raising awareness toward them along with the reinforcement of the self-regulated learning strategies seem necessary in improving their academic success and are thus recommended.


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