Critical Language and Literary Studies

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


دانشکده آسیاه آفریقا - دانشگاه مطالعات بین الملل شیان چین


از تائو یوان مینگ شاعر سده پنجم میلادی چین، به عنوان بنیانگذار شعر «کوچه باغ» نام برده می شود. وی با ادبیاتی ساده و البته بی پرده مسائل و مشکلات جامعه و البته حالات روانی خود را به قلم آورده که سهم بزرگی در ارائه تصویری از تاریخ اجتماعی دوران خود دارد. اشعار این شاعر صاحب سبک بر فرهنگ و به ویژه ادبیات پس از خود تاثیر زیادی گذاشته است. در میان اشعار او مفاهیم و ارزش هایی همچون رویگردانی از دنیا، پشت کردن به سیاست، لذت بردن از طبیعت، ساختن با تنگدستی و نیز آرمان هایی همچون جامعه ای بدون زورگویی و برتری جویی به چشم می خورد. جز این، سروده هایی در معنا چندلایه و با مفاهیمی پنهان و سردرگم نیز از او به جای مانده که از سوی ادب پژوهان ارزیابی هایی گونه گونی در پی داشته است. درباره سبک زندگی دنیاگریزانه او دیدگاه های متفاوتی وجود دارد؛ گرچه سبک زندگی فقیرانه وی چندان مورد تایید نقادان نیست اما ارزش ها و آرمان های وی ستایش شده و در قالب الگویی مورد توجه بوده و هست.


عنوان مقاله [English]

A look at the thought of "Tao Yuan Ming" in a selection of his poems (Famous Chinese poet of the 5th century AD)

نویسنده [English]

  • Seyed jalal emam

Xian international studies university

چکیده [English]

Tao Yuanming, a 5th century Chinese poet, is known as the founder of the "Garden Alley" poem. He wrote down the issues and problems of the society and of course his mental states with a simple and of course frank literature, which has a great contribution in presenting a picture of the social history of his time. The poems of this stylish poet have greatly influenced the culture and especially the literature of China after him. Among his poems, there are concepts and values ​​such as turning away from the world, turning your back on politics, enjoying nature, being content with living in poverty, and ideals such as a society without coercion and superiority. Apart from this, he left some poems with a multi-layered meaning and with hidden and confused concepts, which have led to various evaluations by literary scholars. There are different views about his worldly lifestyle; Although his poor lifestyle is not much approved by critics, his values ​​and ideals have been praised and are considered.
Background Studies
It seems that the writing in front of you is one of the first writings that examines Tao Yuan Ming's poems in Persian and from the perspective of Iranian culture. Although Chinese literary scholars have examined the poems and life of this poet from different perspectives, and of course it has been very helpful in organizing this research, but the name, poems and thoughts of this famous Chinese poet still do not have a place among Persian texts. Zain hopes that this article will open a window for Chinese scholars, especially in the field of culture and history of this country.

From the point of view of Chinese researchers, the most important feature of Tao Yuanming's poems is their simplicity and at the same time they have a deep meaning - sometimes his words can appear as a philosophical point of view.
This article is written based on text and content analysis with a historical approach. Poetry can be analyzed in different ways, and in this text, according to the time conditions of the poet and his beliefs, an attempt has been made to examine the vocabulary of the poem
Tao Yuanming is considered a special poet in the history of China. Some researchers raise his status as a philosopher and belive he was the owner of certain philosophical thoughts and worldview. It seems should be more careful to find the hidden layers of knowledge and insight in his poems.

There are less than fifty poems left by this eloquent poet. However, some of his compositions have conflicting meanings. For example, the literary prose of "Xiann qing Fu" in which he proposed ten completely imaginary wishes. Chinese researchers have two completely different opinions about this work. Some say it is a simple love and some believe that this prose has deep mystical meanings.

There is no doubt that Tao Yuanming left politics for some reasons, and he chose a simple life style. We can see He has introduced a worldly lifestyle.It can even be said that he set an model in this field. Iranian poet Saadi also has a poem in this context, which warns that a person should be content Be content with a simple life does not bow down to others.
It can also be said that when city life are boring, you can leave its comforts and choose a peaceful life in smal village.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "Chinese poetry"
  • "Tao Yuanming"
  • "Old Chinese literature"
  • "Cornerage"
  • "Corruption"
  • "Poverty"
Zhou Jing, Translation and Annotation of Tao Yuanming's Poetry, Phoenix Publishing House, Nanjing, 2020.
Yang Bojun, "Annotations to the Analects", Zhonghua Book Company, 2009, Beijing.
He Tan, New Essays on Tao Yuanming's "Begging for Food" Poetry, Journal of Ningxia University, 35, 2013
Ancient Poetry and Literature Network - Inheritance of Classical Chinese Poetry and Literature (gushiwen. cn)
Comprehensive website of Persian poets, (section of Saadi and Hafez)-