It is more than one century that the issue of interactional relationship between language and culture has become the concern of scientists In many anthropologists’ opinions, Language is counted as an element among other elements in culture as socially acquired knowledge. Meanwhile, the transference of culture in learning the languages is effective and presence of a big extent of linguistic species depends on cultures’ existence as well. In each culture, there are thousands of symbolic artificial systems and all of them are such models of language reflecting its properties. On the other hand, language is a complete system that through utilizing its words and meaning is able to surround the culture with its all borders as well as the society with its all complexities within itself. In the present study, the relationship between language and culture in linguistic view as appeared mainly in the language relativism hypothesis is studied. In this paper, the authors’ aim is to describe and subsequently analyze the experts’ opinions in this field aiming to describe the relationship between language and culture in the form of different cognitive science approaches. The method used for this paper is library-oriented one. The study’s findings suggest that there is an interactional relationship between language and culture. On the one hand, language is the main instrument of culture and the necessary condition of it, on the other hand, it is considered as a part of the culture and cultural product.
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Moradi, M. , and Rahmani, M. . "A Study of interactional relationship between language and culture using language relativism hypothesis", Critical Language and Literary studies, 12, 16, 2016, 237-258.
Moradi, M., Rahmani, M. (2016). 'A Study of interactional relationship between language and culture using language relativism hypothesis', Critical Language and Literary studies, 12(16), pp. 237-258.
M. Moradi and M. Rahmani, "A Study of interactional relationship between language and culture using language relativism hypothesis," Critical Language and Literary studies, 12 16 (2016): 237-258,
Moradi, M., Rahmani, M. A Study of interactional relationship between language and culture using language relativism hypothesis. Critical Language and Literary studies, 2016; 12(16): 237-258.