On the bases of errors in the speech of Iranian students of Russian language gathered by the author, intercultural incompatibilities which cause such errors aredemonstrated.Despite the fact that the statements including errors, are grammatically correct, they are either “nonnormative” or “inappropriate”. Pointing to the statements being “nonnormative” and “inappropriate” the author uses the criterion of different “distribution” rules among different languages. The article concludes that in teaching Russian language to Iranian students ignoring cultural aspects of the language, The teachers will contribute to the stability of demonstrated errors in the speech of their students.
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Shojaee, M. (2016). Common Errors in the Speech of Iranian Students of Russian Language:A Study of intercultural incompatibilities. Critical Language and Literary studies, 12(16), 155-176.
Shojaee, M. . "Common Errors in the Speech of Iranian Students of Russian Language:A Study of intercultural incompatibilities", Critical Language and Literary studies, 12, 16, 2016, 155-176.
Shojaee, M. (2016). 'Common Errors in the Speech of Iranian Students of Russian Language:A Study of intercultural incompatibilities', Critical Language and Literary studies, 12(16), pp. 155-176.
M. Shojaee, "Common Errors in the Speech of Iranian Students of Russian Language:A Study of intercultural incompatibilities," Critical Language and Literary studies, 12 16 (2016): 155-176,
Shojaee, M. Common Errors in the Speech of Iranian Students of Russian Language:A Study of intercultural incompatibilities. Critical Language and Literary studies, 2016; 12(16): 155-176.