Studying Spectrum Analysis in Fiction: Historical Residues in Thomas Pynchon’s V. and The Crying of Lot 49

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch

2 Assistant Professor Azad University of Qom


Spectrum analysis revolves around the cultural works of the past that is due to the frequency and the residues of the past events. Spectrum analysis of the selected two novels, V. and The Crying of Lot 49, by Thomas Pynchon in the light of Michel Foucault’s Discourse Analysis and Jean Francois Lyotard’s Postmodern Condition is distilled due to the notions of harmonics introduced by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier. The parameters such as frequency, amplitude, modulation, distortion and noise are among the most important matters for analyzing the trajectory of the cultural and historical spectra.
Background Studies
Only Pynchon’s novels presents mathematical-neurological characters to be subject to spectral analysis that submerge into pure noise that is liquidate the signal-to-noise ratio (Koch, 354). The signal to noise ratio measures the ability to reproduce the spectrum from the same sample, the same condition. (Saptari, 11). Schetzina sees contradiction and writes that Pynchon blames science at one side, and puts his works on the burdens of science at the other side (Schetzina, 63).
This research is an attempt of spectrum analysis in the light of the philosophical notions introduced by two French philosophers, Foucault and Lyotard, as Discourse Analysis and Postmodern Condition Approach for the two selected novels by Pynchon, V. and The Crying of Lot 49.
The spectra of harmonics of the past events such as World War II and its consequences as the traumas, the roles of superstition, education, and discrimination and racism are studied as like as mechanical waves.


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