Murphy as the Prolific Narrator: Narrative as the Confluence of Deleuzian Incompossibility and Personal Construct of Memory

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Shahid Beheshti University


In its Deleuzian context of Possibilism truth emerges as an event that is at once impossible and inevitable. Moreover, in its Aristotelian frame, truth is divided in two symbolic forms: speech and written, each including 'noun' and 'verbs' as they subcategories. By examining Samuel Beckett's Murphy (1938), this article explores a rather unknown facade of truth, being hidden underneath a radical narratorial voice: the unreliable narrator. To this end, this article will examine the fundamental exigencies and manifestation of unreliable narrator in modern literature, introducing it as not only the locus of Deleuzian incompossibility but also a point of departure for the transformation of this concept; then by examining the available definitions of truth in light of Leibniz, Deleuze and Aristotelian Square of Opposition the article will read Beckett’s Murphy as an exemplar of modern, radical transmutation of truth, defying any previous, structured perception of narratorial truth that suggests a structureless and fluid framework.


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