Literary Techniques and the Everyday Rhythms as Practices of Production of Space in Don Delillo’s Zero K (2016)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 university of kurdistan

2 Shahid Beheshti University


This study aims at investigating the production of space in Zero K (2016) in terms of  Henri Lefebvre’s spatiology. Lefebvre conceptualized space as being comprised of three moments: the spatial practices, the representations of space and spaces of representation; on the one hand, and the conceived-the perceived-the lived, on the other hand. The analysis demonstrates that the characters create their own spaces individually or collectively, each in their own way. On a broader scale, the novel divides into two kinds of space: the abstract and the differential. But on a closer analysis, the character-narrator, on the one hand, uses a set of literary practices such as climax, anticlimax, register shifts, description, humor, iron, incongruity, word coinages and plays, and , on the other hand, everyday practices such as love, walking, bodily activities to defend himself against the rampant growth of the abstract space. In addition, the very act of novel writing could be taken as producing spaces of representation against the representations of space in the society. In the light of lefebvrean spatiology, some of the literary techniques could be redefined as space-producing ideological practices, too.


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