Archetype of the “lost child” and its aspects and corroborations in "Accident nocturne" by Patrick Modiano

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant Professor


Novels like myths, can also demonstrate internal reactions and individual and social phenomenons by interpretative processes. The knowledge of romanesque images and research in subjective, existential and historic aspects of 20th century French authors, can unfold structive state of the story and their creativity. In this deliberation, for studying the fabric and constructing events in "Accident nocturne" of Patrick Modiano, by use of components and collective unconcious archetypes, can show symbolic and psychic images in the basis subjective and collective nature of human, on one side, and in basis of narrative and symbolic experiences, on the other side. In fact, author, with swing of (time) and (place) in narrating and with the design of lost child archetype, displays an image of his own memory and lost identity.


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