From Semiotics to Language Signs A Brief Survey in Translation Methodologies from a Semiotic Standpoint

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Islamic Azad University (IAU), Central Tehran Branch


If we presume the process of translation to a Habermasian “communicative action”, then we may just as well have to delineate the theory of translation under the rubrics of a general theory of communication as has been the case with a concept like discourse analysis. Evidently, the same logic applies to semiotics in the realm of human language. Therefore, applying intertextuality which is one of the most decisive guiding principles of semiotics, as a practical approach to the theory, practice, and criticism of translation will prove useful. After a sweeping review of the fundaments and applications of semiotics in the field of linguistics and in translation studies, in particular, the present article will highlight a brilliant example of the semiotic approach to literary translation from the contemporary history of translating classical English literature to Farsi.


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