The Analysis of Meaning Innovation Process in phenomenological approach to Semiotic and complexity theory

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Recently, The approach or systematic attitude has been played as efficient tool, complement of specialized studies of various phenomenon in knowledge various areas and caused the comprehensive and multi-dimension understanding from the reason and the way phenomenon and happenings took place especially in recent decades which knowledge have encountered with production and accumulation of diverse specialized data and based on classic knowledge tradition, tried to analyze the system components and found the relationship among components relying on changes made based on analytical procedures in order to express the whole behavior of system. These analytical procedures were based on two presuppositions, firstly, no interaction existed between components or poor interaction existed among them, so that the system components could have exact separation capability and secondly, the relationship between components was describable with simple linear equations. Nowadays, by have a closer look on Rival theory and non-linear math thereof, it is obvious that the interaction between all system components have not followed two aforesaid conditions, therefore, it is necessary to have a general attitude in system analysis. The aim of the present paper was to investigate the concept of meaning and the way it formed in complex systems and then to compare the mechanism and the results of the process in which led to produce meaning in Complexity theory by one of modern semiotic components called “Adjustment system of Landowski”. In this analysis, it is obvious that meaning production process was effected on biological level besides cultural and social levels in both theoretical areas.


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