The Process of Identity Subjection in some of Donald Barthelme’s Short Stories

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 ShahidBeheshti University


This article attempts to analyze the concept of identity in some of Donald Barthelme’s short stories. In order to get to this objective, Louis Althusser’s views of ISAs (Ideological State Apparatuses), interpellation and ideology have been utilized in displaying their impact on shaping one’s identity. Identity works as ideology does and through the ISAs like family, religion, politics, educational systems and media, it is formed and constructed. The impact of media, education and army that form the system of values and ideas, are depicted in Barthelme’s short stories. The present study, first introduces Donald Barthelme, then various views on identity are discussed. Later, Althusser’s views on the concept of ideology are introduced and lastly, the analysis of Barthelme’s short stories provides the influence of ideology in the formation of one’s identity as a subject. This study concentrates on various forms of authority that prevail the society through the dominant ideology and then the construction of identity under these conditions is discussed.


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